بين لحرف
ملهمه من الاشكال الجميله للحروف العربيه
هذه التصاميم هي تأمل في الحروف العربية مختلفة الاشكال
اجزاء من الحروف تداخلت لتهدينا تصاميم جديدة، معبر
عن حروف جديدة
اختر حرفك. ليصبح لك. وليحمل روايتك
Bain Al Harf
An admiration of the fluid shapes of Arabic letters
This line experiments with the different elements
of Arabic letter. Parts of letters are connected,
creating new designs - new letters
Choose your letter. Make it yours. Give it your story.
This line experiments with the different elements
of Arabic letter. Parts of letters are connected,
creating new designs - new letters
Choose your letter. Make it yours. Give it your story.

حرف ١
Harf 1
حرف ٦
Harf 6
حرف ١٠
Harf 10
Bain Al Harf Collection is exclusively sold at Qirdala Jewelry Boutique.
Tilal Complex, Shuwaikh. Kuwait
Tel: (+965) 22256730
E-mail: info@qirdala.com
Bain Al Harf Collection is exclusively sold at Qirdala Jewelry Boutique.
Tilal Complex, Shuwaikh. Kuwait
Tel: (+965) 22256730
E-mail: info@qirdala.com